3️⃣PIP Version 1.3 & PIP.ME Now Live

PIP 1.3 Version is ready and now live!

  • New Token support

    • STEPN (GST)

  • New PIP tag

    • username@stepn

  • No fees for $PIP token transactions

  • Daily Reward UI improvements

  • Technical Improvements

  • Solana tags are rebranded as PIP tags

  • My tags list

    • You can now go to settings page and easily copy your tags.

  • New Web3 Identity

  • Solana Pay support

  • Mobile payments support

  • QR Code payments support

  • Phantom wallet In-app browser support

  • Easily create your profile

  • Accept payments on your own URL

Use it anywhere

Get your customized pip.me link and use it on social media, blogs, anywhere you want

Collect Payments

PIP allows you to accept payments with Solana pay on mobile and desktop. Just share your link and get paid.

Show or Sell NFTs ( coming soon )

Add NFTs to your pip.me profile. You can display or sell them directly on pip.me

Share your content ( coming soon )

Add your social media links or any content to pip.me profile. Customize your page as you want.

🫂 Join the Community

To stay updated and participate in various events, join our community.

Discord: http://discord.gg/pip

Twitter: https://twitter.com/getpipcom

Telegram: http://t.me/getpip

Last updated